Psalm 32

  1. Psalm 32 -:-- / -:--

Blessed is he whose sins are forgiven!
Blessed that man, blessed that man!
Blessed is he whom God has forgiven!
Blessed that man, blessed that man!
For when I hid my sin from the Lord,
my body did waste away.
Then my strength failed as in summer’s heat.
God’s hand heavy on me lay.

Then I confessed my sin to the Lord;
acknowledged my guilt, for I had done wrong.
Then he forgave my guilt and my sin,
restored to me strength, gave me this song.
You who are faithful, trust in the Lord
when trouble besets your soul.
Though great floods threaten, you shall be safe;
all things are in God’s control.

Lord, you’re my shelter, haven of stillness;
you shall give rest to my troubled soul.
Lord you direct my ways and instruct me;
lead me in paths that I have to go.
Do not behave like obstinate mules
that bridle and bit must curb.
Look to the Lord and walk in his ways,
then he shall direct your paths.

You who are righteous worship the Lord,
and sing out for joy, be glad in the Lord;
for his great love surrounds all who trust him.
Sing out for joy! Trust in the Lord!