Give Praise to God: To God praise is due
Lift up your hearts: We lift up our hearts O Lord to You
Always rejoice: In everything, constant in prayer
Trust in the Lord, cast care aside, He hears your prayer.
Jesus is here: We welcome you Lord
Open your hearts: Lord speak to us now your holy word
He who has ears: Give heed to what God has to say
We are your church, make known your will; show us your way.
You are the door: you welcome us in
You are the way: Lord with you alone true life begins
You are the truth: and knowing the truth sets us free
You are our life, we are God’s sons, one family.
Glory and power: be yours evermore
Father and Son: and Spirit let earth and heaven adore
Open your mouths: proclaim in loud jubilant praise:
Great is our God, He is alone worthy of praise.