Have This Mind Among You

  1. Have This Mind Among You -:-- / -:--

Philippians 2:5-8; John 1:11-14; Matthew 20:28

Have this mind among you, which was in Jesus our Lord: though sharing God’s nature, he thought it not a thing to be grasped at but made himself of no repute; he humbled himself to serve.

He came to his people, his own received him not. To all who received him he gave the power to be God’s children. They were not born of human will: through God’s will they came to birth.

The Lord lived among them; they shared their life with him. They witnessed his glory, glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father – full of grace and truth, the word made flesh.

He came not to be served, but to be servant of all and live for his Father. Though he was God’s son he learned obedience, even to death upon the cross, that he might bring healing to man.

© GNU Productions 1983