My Little Gnudren,
Two things have recently grabbed Old Gnu’s attention recently. One is the Olympic Games and the other is, of course, the book written by King James VI of Scotland [and later James I of England] in 1601 with the title “Dæmonologie” [i.e., Demonology. People’s ability to spell properly has improved since 1601. But even the great Shakespeare made spellynge mystakes.]
Let us consider the second first. James was well educated and wrote a number of books or treatise. We have probably all heard of his “Divine Right of Kings”. His book, Dæmonologie [1597] has the following summary written over chapter 1: Prouen by the Scripture, that these unlawfull arts in genere, haue bene and may be put in practise….you’ve got the drift.
James’ book was written in response to another book many would consider enlightened today. In 1584 Reginald Scot wrote The Discoverie of Witchcraft. In this book Scot expresses the belief that the prosecution of those accused of witchcraft was irrational and not Christian. And he held the Roman Catholic Church responsible.
While Witch Hunts occurred for centuries previously, James’ book added ‘fuel to the flames’. Several people were accused of sending storms against James’ ship on a trip to Denmark; a voyage that had to be abandoned. James is known to have personally supervised the torture of women accused of being witches. His life from childhood was surrounded by murder and intrigue and we all know the about the attempts made on his life. Old Gnu is not attempting to unravel James’ psyche; but we are all aware of the human tendency to demonise things or people when things are going badly for us. It always feels good to find someone to blame for our misfortunes. When such blame comes from national leaders or those in government this can result in a rapid and terrifying loss of being in touch with reality, and lead to bloodshed; especially so, when communication to millions can be possible at the press of a button.
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics was in parts incomprehensible to Old Gnu’s British ears and particularly his eyes. [Old Gnu also has different sorts of ears and eyes – but let’s not go into the sordid details]. But there again, most of our European neighbours found Mr. Bean performing “Chariots of Fire” with the London Symphony Orchestra at the 2012 Olympics in London beyond their comprehension.
Many of us thought it was very funny! But there was a certain poignancy about the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics for Old Gnu. Nations who have recently been killing each other were side by side waving flags. And two nations beginning with “A” could be named. They have in the last 4 years killed well over 5,000 between them over territorial dispute. The conflict only ceased in 2023. Since this ‘minor’ conflict was not of significance to the superpowers, it didn’t really get more than a cursory mention in our media. And, no one was interested in data about the loss of life. It would have created an unwanted sensation that couldn’t be swept aside. The French organisers judicially placed these 2 nations teams on different floats sailing down the Seine. Vive La France! And these two nations are not the only ones involved in recent conflicts! But how good that athletes from such countries have the opportunity to meet each other face to face and realise the truth of the Viking Cruises daytime TV advert to entice rich old people like Gnu. The gist of this ad is that travel makes you realise that most people want the same ordinary things in life whatever culture or country they are found in.
When the head of a nation tramples on justice, commits atrocities or perpetrates some sort of ‘evil’ that violates human or national rights, let us remember two things. Don’t let your mind subconsciously blacklist that country and its millions of inhabitants. Not everyone in their nation believes in the demonising process that they may have created to justify such acts of injustice. It’s also good to ask how their leader got there. And besides we never get the complete story. Secondly remember the Viking ad. The media, which has a multiplicity of channels and forms, is good at demonising those who threaten our sense of well-being or are just different from us. Unfortunately, millions are influenced by it. We all know that there is a way of feeding into peoples’ fears that leaves the door for demonising wide open.
It is clear that King James VI of Scotland [& I of England] felt his security could be violated by something over which he had no control. His book fuelled a significant increase in deaths of more innocent [mostly] women. Mercifully he began to be more sceptical about Witchcraft later in life. But the damage was done. However, many more women and some men continued to be tortured and killed just because they were different or had some sort of deformity and abnormality. Finally in 1736 an Act of Parliament repealed all previous Acts condemning Witchcraft. By then official records show that over 500 people had had been executed through the legal system; but that doesn’t account for the many who died before the system judiciary was firmly was established.
Roll on the next Olympics! And don’t forget the song of the Angels: “…Peace on Earth and goodwill to people of all genders”.
Vetus Pater Gnu
Musicorum et Theologia
Turris LA
XIV Mense Augusta MMXXIV