Blessed are the people who consider the helpless.
In their hour of trouble the Lord will bring deliverance,
their lives shall be protected.
God will never leave them to the greed of their enemies
Who set out to harm them or do them injury.
Praise God! For His love lasts for evermore!
Praise Him! For He cares for the innocent.
God will keep the righteous, their enemies shall never triumph.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
From the bed of sickness God will raise them and heal them.
I said: ‘Lord be gracious for I have sinned against you;
my foes say I will perish’.
They speak out with malice: ‘He will die His name vanish’.
All who come to see me add to my misery.
Praise God! For His love lasts for evermore!
Praise Him! For He cares for the innocent.
God will keep the righteous, their enemies shall never triumph.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
‘Evil rests upon him. Serious illness besets him.
He will never rise up’, so say my foes who hate me.
They hope my life is ended.
Even my close kinsman who ate bread at my table,
my friend whom I trusted, in hate has turned on me.
Praise God! For His love lasts for evermore!
Praise Him! For He cares for the innocent.
God will keep the righteous, their enemies shall never triumph.
Thanks be to God! Amen.