“He capers, he dances, he has eyes of youth…”

My little Gnudren,

I thank God for you all in my prayers, for I am witness that you have come through much tribulation, and still go to church. We are approaching the eve of Advent when we celebrate and remember with joy the heralds of the incarnation of our blest Lord. At such a time, and in order to enhance your devotion, Old Gnu has his own glad tidings to share with you, namely the formation of the LA Philharmonic DLH Orchestra.

This has come about by the wondrous ministrations of a certain, generous, kind, rock solid and dependable human being, musician extraordinaire and skilful negotiator of things too many to mention known to many of you from Christ Church days of the ‘80s and ‘90s and for many years after.

To celebrate this event which was beyond his wildest imaginings, Old Gnu has composed a special waltz based on an incarnational theme as contained in the hymn In Heavenly Love Abiding” (Tune: Penlan, which appears in the middle section of the waltz.) You will find it under the Bonus Tracks menu or right here.

Yes, during the Advent and Christmas Season (Winter Festival) we are able to celebrate the coming down of divine love in the person of Baby Jesus.  My little Gnudren harken unto this: we are able to abide in divine love day and night all the days of our life (as also saith the Psalm, Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.) This is especially important as you get older and bits are beginning to drop off. Yet some of us old Anglicans specialise in uncertainty and consider it arrogant to say we are loved and accepted by God. How can you be so sure? they ask. But does not the most blest Apostle Paul remind us we wayward humans being can become his children by adoption. Hear also what the blest apostle John sayeth: To as many as received him God gave the right to become children of God. A child needs to be unconditionally loved in order to grow to maturity and stability. What would it do to a child if its mother or father said to them, you can’t be sure whether I love you unconditionally, or accept you at all times?  Old Gnu can tell you that such a child will grow up to be insecure and have problems. (Mrs. Gnu is an expert in this field.) The most blest Apostle John also writes in his first Epistle, There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear….. God is love! What sort of God is it that tortures her/his children with uncertainty?!

So let us get up and dance and rejoice in the heavenly love bestowed upon us, to the music of this specially composed Penlan Waltz – the debut performance and recording of the LA Philharmonic DLH Orchestra! I suggest you wear wellingtons and a raincoat when you dance because, in the middle section, the storm rages and you may get very wet, unless of course you are a polar bear.

The waltz lasts around 9 minutes, which is at least three times the length of your average worship song, (unless you are in the habit of repeating them till you lose consciousness at which point you would not be able to recall how long it lasts.) But do not lose heart! You have already come through tribulation; well, here a little more. Why give up now? Remember: those who endure to the end shall be saved (i.e. find wholeness and healing). And, in this piece, for those who endure to the end, there is a very special surprise! No! Don’t fast forward to the end like a child who opens their Christmas presents before Christmas Day, and loses out on the blessed corporate context and atmosphere of rejoicing. Such a one rejoices only in isolation and without appreciation of the whole glorious event. Listen to the whole thing and be edified. If you dance this waltz three times a day it will help to prevent the onset of heart disease. Selah! (As an infant Gnu learning English, I thought that many of the Psalms were addressed to Sheila, our next door neighbour.)


And finally, all glory to the website creator and manager for mixing and balancing the recording of the debut of the LA Philharmonic DLH Orchestra; and thanks to the more glorious Philharmonia Orchestra for the free use of their bass drum.

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