Event: Church in Wales Conference
Location: University Hall Aberystwyth
Date: 1989 I think.
Details: Recorded on a WH Smiths bargain 49p audio cassette – hence the scintillating hi-fi.
The electronic organ in situ was boosted in 2009 with the Organ of The Chapel of St. Augustine St. Monica Trust in 2009 [Sorry, Dr. Paul Williams]
The music for the whole service will eventually appear (DV, if the cassette hasn’t disintegrated.)
Glân geriwbiaid a seraffiaid
[Bright the vision that delighted]
Sung in Welsh
Glân geriwbiaid a seraffiaid,
Fyrdd o gylch yr orsedd fry,
Mewn olynol seiniau dibaid,
Canant fawl eu Harglwydd cu:
“Llawn yw’r nefoedd o’th ogoniant,
Llawn yw’r ddaear, dir a môr;
Rhodder iti fythol foliant,
Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd Iôr!”
Fyth y nef a chwydda’r moliant;
Uwch yr etyb daear fyth –
“Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd!” meddent,
“Dduw y lluoedd, Nêr di-lyth!”
Gyda’r seraff gôr i fyny,
Gyda’r Eglwys lân i lawr,
Uno wnawn fel hyn i ganu
Anthem clod ein Harglwydd mawr:
Richard Mant (1837). Probably not in Welsh: he was from Southampton.
Translated by Owen Griffith Owen (Alafon) 1847-1916. Owen was a strict Calvinistic Methodist. Google seems to have a prejudice against strict Calvinistic Methodists because it translates his Welsh text back into English in the following manner:
Clean cherubs and seraphims, Roads around the throne on high, The constant sounds in succession, Sing praise their dear Lord: “The heavens are full of your glory, Full is the earth, land and sea; Unto thee glory, Holy, holy, holy Lord! ” Even the heaven and chwydda’r praise; The earth shall answer even higher – “Holy, holy, holy!” they said, “God Almighty, Ner-free lyth!” With seraff choir up, Clean down with the Church, Unite we to adore Anthem great praise our Lord: