Jesus Near Us

  1. Jesus Near Us -:-- / -:--

Jesus near us, Jesus in us,
Jesus with us every day.
Jesus round us, Jesus through us,
Yesterday today for ever.
Jesus Christ redeemer and saviour,
Jesus evermore the same.

Jesus caring, Jesus sharing,
Living through us everyday.
Jesus sighing, Jesus crying,
Through the church, His living body.
Bringing hope and joy to earth’s suffering,
Jesus evermore the same.

Jesus reigning, Jesus claiming
Lordship in our lives today.
Jesus bringing through our giving
Life eternal and forgiveness.
God’s true peace and pardon imparting.
Jesus evermore shall reign.

Glory be to God the Father,
God the Spirit, God the Son.
As His will is done in heaven,
So on earth His will be done
Through lives surrendered to His service.
So shall God’s kingdom come.

© GNU Productions 1983