Worship our God, rejoice before him; give thanks to the Lord.
Make known His mighty acts and goodness; give praise to the Lord.
Call on His name, in thankfulness worship Him; seek now His face.
All those who look to God shall rejoice in His goodness and grace.
Never forget His wonderful acts, all you people of God.
He is the Lord and He shall bring justice throughout all the world.
God shall keep faith with all He promised our fathers of old.
He shall pour out such blessings never envisaged or known.
When we were few in numbers, and strangers in far foreign lands,
God’s help came swiftly; mighty deliverance was wrought by His hand.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph His goodness have known.
They were obedient; God called them out and He made them His own.
Joseph was sold a slave in Egypt, a prisoner in chains.
God raised Him up in time of famine to show that He reigns.
Moses was sent to lead out His people when they were oppressed.
God led them out; He fed them and clothed them through desert and waste.
Glory to God the father for sending us Jesus His son.
Through Him God does great things which surpass all that others have done.
To Him be glory. Amen.