Shall I lift up my eyes to the hill? Lord I need help.
God, the maker of heaven and earth, he’ll surely help.
How could he cause you to stumble or fall? Shall Israel’s guardian sleep?
He will not suffer your foot to be moved; his power will keep.
God will keep you secure in his care; he guards your soul.
He’ll protect you; the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
so that the sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
He will direct you in ways that are true; God is your light.
Lord your Spirit will quieten my mind; in you I rest
like a child that is calm and content on mother’s breast.
I have not sold out my heart to great things; power has not tainted my soul.
O Lord, my heart is not puffed up or proud; come make me whole.