Psalm 148 (Dowland)

  1. Psalm 148 (Dowland) -:-- / -:--

Praise him in high places; praise God in the heavens!
Angels praise him, heavenly hosts, stars and constellations!
Sun and moon, O praise him! Praise him from the heavens.
By God’s word all things were made; they shall sing his praises.

God has established all his mighty works for ever.
He has determined all their bound and limitations.
So all on earth come sing his praise, all seas and monsters of the deep;
fire, snow and hail and stormy winds shall all fulfil the Lord’s commands.

Hills and mountains praise him; fruit trees and tall cedars,
birds and beasts and creeping things join to sing his praises.
Kings of all the nations, chieftans, rulers, princes,
children, maidens, youths sing praise; old and young exalt his name.

All things shall praise him, for his name is high, exalted.
Great is his glory, majesty and power are his alone.
And he shall give his people power; so all his servants, praise him!
Let everything that has breath sing praise. To him be glory evermore.