Psalm 106

  1. Psalm 106 -:-- / -:--

O give thanks to God and sing his praises for his steadfast love endures.
Who can tell his mighty acts of power or declare his marvellous works!
Blest are those who sing his praises, blest are all who know his ways.
Blest are those who keep his judgements and acknowledge the Lord who reigns.

When you show your people grace and mercy, then O Lord remember me.
When you come in haste to bring them comfort, come in blessing Lord to me.
O how blessed are all your people; may I with them numbered be.
I shall sing your praises with them and rejoice in their company.

We have sinned, O Lord, our fathers also, and have dealt out treachery.
We have disregarded your compassion and rebelled most grievously.
We have scorned O Lord your blessings and the promise of your Word.
We’ve despised your power and purpose and perverted your holy Word.

We have sinned, O Lord, but crave forgiveness; come in mercy, set us free –
Free to serve you, not our own desires which bring death and slavery.
Show us Lord your great compassion; give us now your liberty.
Blest are those who keep your judgements and acknowledge your sovereignty.