based on John 15:1-6
I am the true vine,
And my heavenly Father, he is the gardener.
He cuts off the branch that bears no fruit,
And prunes the others so they may bear much fruit.
No branch can bear fruit by itself:
It must remain in the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit alone;
You must abide in me.
Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus the Lord.
Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus the Lord.
Abide in me and I in you;
Apart from me you can do nothing.
Abide in me and I in you;
Apart from me you can do nothing.
Gracious Father, may we live to your glory.
By your Spirit, come empower us to bear fruit for your glory.
Demas has left me; his love for me grew cold.
Judas sold me for thirty pieces of silver.
Pontius Pilate, you can’t ignore the Truth!
This generation turns from me and seeks for signs and proof;
And will you also turn away from me?
Father, we are yours, you shall use
Us your servants, just as you choose.
All our strength from your we derive –
We the branches, and Jesus the Vine.
So we
Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus, Rest in Jesus the Lord.
Gracious Father, by your Spirit may we live to your glory –
Preaching Jesus, his forgiveness, and your mercy for all mankind.
May your people spread the gospel, preaching Jesus the Vine.
Glory, honour to the Father, worship, praise to the Son,
Power and glory to the Spirit, now and ever. Amen.
© GNU Productions 1988