Rejoice In The Lord

  1. Rejoice In The Lord -:-- / -:--

Philippians 4:4-13 / Mathew 6:33

Rejoice in the Lord, be gentle to all,
The Lord is at hand, so don’t be anxious.
In all things give thanks and make known to God
Your needs and you cares, with prayer and petition.
May God’s peace guard your hearts, watch over your thoughts;
His peace that passes understanding
Rule your hopes and desires through Jesus our Lord;
For this is his will for us –
To Him be praise for evermore!

Whatever my need, whatever my state,
In all things I’ve learned to be contented.
In plenty or want, Christ Jesus my Lord
Will give me his strength; through Him I do all things.
So whatever is true, whatever is right,
if anything is pure and noble,
Fill your minds with such things and never despair,
But give God the praise forever.
Rejoice in the Lord evermore.

So seek the Kingdom of God, seek his righteousness first,
And all the needs of daily life He’ll provide
From out of His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

© GNU Productions 1988