Joyfully shout to God all the earth! Sing of his name,
his power proclaim throughout the world.
Say to the Lord: “How awesome and great
are all your deeds! You did earth and heaven create.
Yet we like sheep have all gone astray. We have all turned,
turned everyone, to his own way.
But the Lord God has laid on his Son judgement for sin,
not his own, but which we had done.
All earth bows down before him; none his power can withstand;
yet God, the Lord, wields power and might to bring us his salvation.
Come and worship before him; see the works of his hands!
He rules all nations. Do not rebel, but praise his name.
In great distress, with foes all around;
the sea lay before us, yet we walked though upon dry ground.
God told the sea to roll back its waves;
he made a path through the sea, our great God who saves.
In desert wastes, though tempted and tried, he came to our aid,
in hardship and need, preserved our lives;
the captive’s yoke he broke from our back;
gave us a land full of good things, knowing no lack.
Lord I come to your temple; I will keep all my vows,
for when in time of trouble I called to God, he came to help me.
Come and listen to me all you who fear the Lord God;
and do not cherish evil intentions. Serve the Lord!
Joyfully shout to God all the earth! Sing of his name,
his power proclaim throughout the world.
Say to the Lord: “How awesome and great
are all your deeds! You did earth and heaven create.
(c) Berj Topalian 1992
Nearly all of Psalm 66 and some of Isaiah 53 (with New Testament ideas thrown in)