Where Does Worship Get Us?


My little Gnudren

Old Gnu has risen from his bed of sickness (the ‘flu) to bring you a song from the early 1990s. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, (look in the Children’s Songs Album) is not really a Children’s song. It is a setting of verses from Proverbs (3:5-6). But by the time it was written we were getting into the heady days of telling God how much we loved him all the time. This was classed as true worship…if you weren’t explicitly telling God how much you loved him or how awesome and majestic he was you weren’t worshipping. So, many hymns were regarded by some of our true worshippers as merely descriptions about God and not real worship. They weren’t explicit enough in terms of our desire to take me further into you as one distinctly dodgy line from a worship song says. If I said that to Mrs. Gnu she might be provoked, at worst, to slap me round the face or, at best, encourage me to spend more time vigorously exercising in the the  garden. So this song got relegated to family service.

Incidentally I have observed that telling Mrs. Gnu how much I loved her all the time, drives her round the bend. She prefers me to do the housework instead so she can sit down and have a quiet cup of tea and read the free newspaper she got with her Waitrose shopping. And now, a new departure on the Gnu-Tube website, I attach an archive, an article written by Gnu (under a pseudonym) in the parish magazine (November 1991) which irritated a number of true worshippers in our congregation. So we can truly  say of what follows in this blog, and the rest is history.

WARNING: A fully expanded orchestral version of Trust in the Lord will eventually appear in the Orchestral Works album. Steer well clear if you are a lover of orchestral music or such pieces as Rick Wakeman’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth. This piece will certainly be a journey but Old Gnu isn’t quite sure where to yet, or whether it will terminate at the centre of the earth or whether it comes out the other side in Australia.

Vetus Pater Gnu
Academiae Musicorum et Theologia
Turris, [LA]

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